Rock point load test apparatus
Rock point load test apparatus


This apparatus comprises a two-column fixed crosshead frame and a hand operated hydraulic jack. Pressure applied by the jack extends the piston carrying the lower conical point. The upper point is fixed to the crosshead with a scale mounted on the frame t

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This apparatus comprises a two-column fixed crosshead frame and a hand operated hydraulic jack. Pressure applied by the jack extends the piston carrying the lower conical point. The upper point is fixed to the crosshead with a scale mounted on the frame to provide specimen diameter information for use in point load strength index calculations.

Its pressure is indicated on the pressure gauge, model PL-02 is indicated directly on the digital readout unit.Loads up to 100 kN can be applied to specimens as large as 90 mm in diameter.


Max Load: 100kN

Pressure gauge range: 100Mpa

Max. specimen Height: 100mm

Max. specimen width: 90mm

Load measuring error: ≤1%F.S

Piston diameter: dia.38mm

Pistion stroke 160mm

Dimension: 280x250x640mm

Gross weight: 35kg

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