Triplex consolidation apparatus
Triplex consolidation apparatus


Triplex Consolidation Apparatus is used for compression test of soil, and to determine the relationship between deformation and compression of soil, to calculate the unit sediment compression index, resilient index, as well as consolidation coefficient of

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Triplex Consolidation Apparatus is used for compression test of soil, and to determine the relationship between deformation and compression of soil, to calculate the unit sediment compression index, resilient index, as well as consolidation coefficient of soil, etc. Dial indicators need to be ordered separately.


WG-1C Triplex Consolidation Apparatus

Frame: Steel structure

Sample area: 30 cm² or 50 cm²

Sample's quantity: Three

Lever ratio: 12: 1; 10:1

Consolidation container: One beam, two beams, three beams

Pressure range: 12.5 kpa/30cm² to 800 kpa/30cm², 12.5 kpa/50cm² to 400 kpa/50cm²

Grade: 8, 7 grade

WG-1B Triplex Consolidation Apparatus

Sample area: 30 cm² or 50 cm²

Lever ratio: 12:1; 10:1

Sample's quantity: Three

Pressure range: 12.5~1600kpa, 12.5~800kpa

Grade: 9, 8 grade

GDG-4S Triplex Consolidation Apparatus

Sample area: 30 cm² or 50 cm²

Lever ratio: 24:1; 20:1

Sample's quantity: Three

Pressure range: 12.5~4000kpa, 12.5~2000kpa

Grade: 10, 9 grade

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