Main precautions for the use of cement pressure testing machines

2024-04-02 00:22:02

The cement pressure testing machine belongs to the technology of integrating mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic products. Operators must undergo training in advance, master the operating essentials, and pass the assessment before operating the testing machine. The cement pressure testing machine clamps the two ends of a material sample on two fixtures with a certain distance between them. The two fixtures separate and stretch the sample at a certain speed to measure the stress changes on the sample until it is damaged.

Main precautions for the use of cement pressure testing machine:

1. The power supply voltage needs to be accurate and error free during use.

2. The cable connecting the sensor to the host must not have an intermediate joint. If it is damaged, the cable should be replaced and the wiring should be accurate and error free.

3. When using, it is necessary to follow the procedures specified in the manual.

4. The motor needs to be turned on before loading the system. Press the "Start" button to turn on the motor and enter the testing state at the same time. Press the "Stop" button while the motor is running to close the machine and exit the testing state.

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