CPT-VST Dual-use Apparatus
CPT-VST Dual-use Apparatus


It is not only just the lightest CPT machine, but also vane shear test machine (i.e. VST). Its rated penetration force is 30KN (3t) and the test depth is up to 30m (in soft soil area). While doing CPT test, it could work with 10cm2 probe, also 10cm2 pore-

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It is not only just the lightest CPT machine, but also vane shear test machine (i.e. VST). Its rated penetration force is 30KN (3t) and the test depth is up to 30m (in soft soil area). While doing CPT test, it could work with 10cm2 probe, also 10cm2 pore-pressure probe while doing CPTu test.

This machine is manual operation, suitable for clay, silt, sand, etc. After over 20 years application and development, now it is improved to put up a perfect performance.

Vane shear test ranges: 0 ~130KPa,

Cross Board To Board head configuration: 50×100 (mm) (general) or 75×150 (mm) 75×100 (mm) (special).

The data acquisition instrument and probesneed to be ordered separately.

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